Mrs E of Aberdeen writes…

We all had a fab night last week at the Pearl Talk at the Marcliffe. It was extremely interesting, as always.

Mrs S of Aboyne writes…

Dear Helen, just a note to say how much we enjoyed your talk at The Marcliffe, last week, as always very informative and inspiring.

Mrs E of Aberdeen writes…

What a fantastic night we all had on Wednesday night – so VERY interesting although that’s the norm of course when we come to your gem nights – totally LOVE them.

Ms A of Bank of Scotland Private Banking, Aberdeen writes…

Thank you again for coming along to our ladies lunch and for giving a wonderful presentation. It was very kind and trusting of you to place the fabulous stones on the tables - it went down very well and was a great talking point. The feedback from the ladies has been fantastic and I’m sure you will have a few more ladies coming to the shop.

Ms M of a Legal Firm, Aberdeen writes…

Thank you very much for a great presentation last night. It was extremely interesting and informative and our guests thoroughly enjoyed themselves. We’ve had some great feedback.