Mrs D of Eckington writes…

Thank you so much for your fascinating talk last evening. I am not sure I have ever seen our ladies so engaged in a talk. Your passion for gemstones and your work was so evident. We would love to invite you back and I will be in touch as soon as I start planning the 20/21 programme.

Ms R of Leamington Spa writes…

Thank you for an absolutely wonderful talk last night. I was completely absorbed and would have been happy for you to have continued for another few hours! I would be interested to know what you would consider as a follow on talk from the one you gave last night so we could perhaps book you in again next year if you are happy to travel so far again.

Mrs C of Longtown writes…

I meant to catch you before you disappeared on Tuesday night because I just wanted to say how fascinating I found your talk - it wasn’t a subject that would particularly catch my eye, not being much into jewellery myself, but I found it enthralling - you are a very good speaker.

Mrs K of Winchcombe writes…

Dear Helen
Thank you so much for stepping into the breach on Monday evening.
Your talk was absolutely fascinating and informative.
The Guild members thoroughly enjoyed the evening. I think you could tell by the way you were surrounded at the end of your talk and people were reluctant to let you leave. Most people, when they got home, would probably looked through their possessions to see if they could find any treasured gems.
Thank you again

Ms H of Stow on the Wold writes…

We really enjoyed the talk you gave on Monday and your company! Thank you so much for sharing the knowledge you have gathered over your lifetime - from your own intense studies and research to visiting all corners of the world. Also learning so much by engaging on a personal level to satisfy individual’s requirements.